We create, produce and distribute quality content with heart for children all over the world.

We believe in the power of story to entertain, amaze and to influence the next generation and we take our responsibility of storytellers to children very seriously knowing that our stories are seen by uncountable numbers of kids across the world.

We want our work to be watched by every child in every home in every country.

We believe in creating and producing and distributing the highest quality work in every aspect and work in all mediums - 2D and 3D animation, puppetry and live action. Everything that we do has a tangible and handmade feel because we like the audience to see our fingerprints in our work. We never cut corners and we refuse to compromise.


We know that television is a strong influential force on children. We tell stories of hope because we have proven that positive stories can change attitudes and young lives for the better - we saw it with Sesame Tree, our very first show and that’s why we continue to do what we do.

We believe in the influence of positive characters in children’s television and we create endearing characters who are strong female leads and great boy role models. We believe in genuine diversity and that all children everywhere should be able to see and hear themselves 0n screen. When children watch our shows, we want them to feel like they’re looking into a mirror.

We produce shows that reinforce the fact that everyone is equal, everyone has value and everyone is important. We will not get involved in shows that encourage anarchy, violence or any kind of inequality.

Our companies are positive environments. Negativity, dishonour and disrespect are not part of our culture and don’t fit or belong with us. Respect for every person by every person at every level is what we are built on.

We employ the most talented people for every job, regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual preference. While production numbers always fluctuate, around 50% of our companies are female, including our management teams. We place a huge value in our people and pay as much as we can, not as little as we can. We plan all of our work and our productions on a five-day week and never plan weekend working because we believe in balance and rest.

We believe in giving back and we reserve at least 10% of our profits to fund projects for people who need it more than we do.